A Message from the Editorial Board

To the Carver Center Community,


Respect is the regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions of others. It means, respect is accepting someone for who they are despite how they may be different from you. In terms of property, it is the understanding that we should not use or deface what is not ours. For art, it is the appreciation of the effort and talent that goes into every piece of creative work. These principles are what Carver Center was founded on. As students, it is our responsibility to uphold them.

We do not take part in the vandalism or destruction of paintings or sculptures. We respect the individual spaces of each Prime. It is our job to respect the intimate and personal connection between an artist and their work. In doing that, it is important to respect the privacy of our peers and create a safe space to share our experiences. We must honor the integrity of our culture.

A culture that empowers us to be creative, successful, and embrace new ideas.

It is this culture that gives us the privilege to express ourselves as freely as we do in this building: through our art, our clothing, our language. It is this culture that allows us to display each Prime’s talents along our walls. That allows us to:

  • share songs, poems, and monologues 
  • put on live productions
  • display woodworks
  • handle dangerous equipment and tools inside our workspaces
  • code programs and games
  • play instruments freely 
  • cook for our fellow students

Without these principles, our community as we know it would crumble. We exist as we do in Baltimore County because we have a mutual understanding of respect. We acknowledge the privilege and individuality of surroundings. There is truly no other place like Carver Center, and if we lose this understanding then there will be none at all. 

It is your responsibility to uphold the Carver Culture and ethics that have existed so long in the halls of the Carver Center. You must call out those who disrespect our principles. You, as a student, must pass them on to the following classes and ensure that we protect the sanctity of art itself. 


The Catalyst Editorial Board