Ms. Steele Is a Hologram?!

In order for a school to be successful, it must have a strong and decisive leader behind it. In our case, that can be found in our principal, Ms. Steele. 


Coleman Brown

A candid photo of Mrs. Steele outside of Carver Center

Carver Center has a reputation for it’s excellence. It can be seen in the student body, the staff members, the building itself. In order for a school to be successful, it must have a strong and decisive leader behind it. In our case, that can be found in our principal, Ms. Steele. 

Ms. Steele floats through the halls of Carver Center, her flowy skirts whooshing past the students. She may be found in the Media Center, conversing with the librarian, or lurking in the darker corners of the dining hall at lunch. She stands tall and “human-like” in the halls, observing her student body, and drifts from room-to-room silently, disappearing without a trace. We all know Ms. Steele, but none of us really know who Ms. Steele is… or should I say, what she is.

Students around Carver Center have theorized for years exactly what is up with Ms. Steele. Theories range from her residing in a secret pathway in the walls of Carver Center, to the fact that she just doesn’t exist, that maybe, she’s a hologram. 

That’s right, the stoic figurehead of Carver Center might not even be real.

 One student in particular noted, “Where did she even come from? And what is up with that occasional static I see around her body?” The answer is…well, we don’t know either! 

For years Ms. Steele has appeared and disappeared in classrooms with little to no explanation, making her solid form questionable. 

Maybe it’s the way the light dances on her ‘skin,’ the bluish tone wavering as she moves throughout Carver Center. Or maybe how her entire body clips through solid wall as if she was made of nothing. 

Students for ages have described Ms. Steele’s presence as “everywhere,” and simultaneously “nowhere.” 

“It’s the only thing that makes sense,” a senior said, shell-shocked in the media center. They described Ms. Steele as “completely inhuman.”  After a few minutes of rambling, the senior elaborated, “She wasn’t there, and then she was. It was like her entire body reconstructed itself in that exact spot, like sunlight shifting.” 

Hah! Whatever that means!

When asked to comment on her materiality, Ms. Steele had “absolutely nothing to state on the subject,” and flickered slightly before phasing out of existence. 

So, what do you think? Is Ms. Steele a hologram or just a regular Principal? Stay tuned to find out more. 

*Absolutely nothing stated is true in any way, Ms. Steele isn’t a hologram. (We think.)*