

Ashleigh Neville

Can you guys believe it??? COVID IS OVER! You heard that right, COVID HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN CANCELED. That’s right, tear those masks off and show your face to the world around you.

Baltimore County and every other county out there has decided to allow all students to unmask because Covid is OVER!!!! That’s right fellow cool kids, we can join you now in unmasking! So get to it!

“Yeah, unmasking is the best!” said one girl, showing off her acne ridden cheeks.

“It’s okay I guess,” said another, who grew a random greasy mustache since the last time we saw him.

Students all around Baltimore County are rejoicing at the freedom of unmasking. “No more will we be hidden away and entrapped by the government!” a child with a communist hat yelled down the hall. “No more will we follow their strict social standards! We will not be held back!!”